Thursday 28 August 2014

Module 1 : Technology Through History


In this 21st century we all do know that airplane plays an important role in our lives. Everyday lots of people are travelling by airplane to go to different location such as different countries. Airplane is so important now is that it is able to shorten travel distance and able to allow people to travel leisurely. Flying now is so cheap that sometimes it is cheaper to use other means of transportation. For this module I will be talking about how aircraft technology has evolved and the social impact towards society.

Before people are able to travel by air, we are only able to travel by land or sea. On land transport people started with horse carriage, bicycle, train, motorcycles and cars. (Davis, 2013) While for sea transportation it started from a simple raft and as technology improved boats is develop and lastly ship like ocean liners. (Thomas, Ron, & Shirley, 2012) Although land and sea transport are sufficient but they are quick enough for people to travel long distance.  Ships or ocean liners are able to do cross continent travel but it doesn’t have the speed to reach at a short time. For example if there is no airplane a trip from London to New York will take 3 days and 12 hours by crossing the Atlantic while traveling thru airplane reduce the time to less than 8 hours. (Decker, 2008)

Airship with steam engine
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When airplane has not been invented people actually have tried built something so that they can fly in the air. The very 1st successful attempt was in 1783 where Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier built the first balloon that can carry people in the basket. This is how hot air balloon started. Based on the similar concept, in 1852 Henri Giffard from Paris made one with a steam engine fitted on it. On that time the airship can only fly forward. Later on in 1900 it was being called Zeppelins after their inventor Ferdinand Von Zeppelin. (Thomas R. &., 2009) This has proved that people are capable of flying but the speed is still very slow.
First flight of Wright Brothers at 1903 December 17
Source from :
At 1903 the Wright Brothers made the 1st engine powered plane called “The Flyer” and it manage to fly for 12 seconds. Although they have managed to invent something that could fly but it is still like gliding not actual flying. Later on they managed to fly for 24.5miles in 39minutes. (Smithsonian National Air and Space Musuem) From there onwards plane started to be intensively developed.
World War II jet fighter
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Development of airplane improved drastically since World War I and World War II as people started to use it as military purpose.  During World War I, Italy first discovered that they could bomb enemy and it became a major weapon in the war. (Chavis, 2010)
Modern Jet Figther
Source from : Museum of Transport and Technology

Social Impact

            Airplane is so important now that it is considered as a major transport for us to travel. For cross continent travel people used to take Ocean liners but since 1960s it has been replace by airplanes and ocean liners loses their existence. The invention of airplane let people to travel or courier something around the world within 24hours. (Decker, 2008)
Airbus A380 world largest passenger jet
Source from :

            Since airplane are able to travel fast they actually encourage people to travel as there is more and more budget airlines to meet the people’s demand. Furthermore the idea of air mail quickly caught up and air freight became more popular as well. Although the cost of air freight is more expensive but if someone is in urgent it will be the most express way to deliver stuff. (Wang, Gotterba, & Wu)

DHL a global courier
source from :

            The increase usage of airplane also improves the economy as the demand increases. If there is good economic activity it encourage circulation of goods such as express deliveries, business trips and also social trips like people going on a vacation. This actually stimulates economic growth as it allows people to interact with others easily but also allow people to deal with business in a much efficient way. (Tam & Hansman, 2002)

            Although airplane allow us to travel in comfort we still need to consider that it still uses combustion engine and it contributes towards air pollution and it causes global warming. It is estimated that aviation contributes 5% of the total global climate pollution. Scientist also expects that the carbon emission will double by the year 2030 and could increase health issue towards the society. (Flying Clean)


            The airplane can be one of human most important invention as it has hugely changes the way of our transportation but also speed up our travel time. There is a saying that when airplanes are introduced marks the death of distance. (Decker, 2008) Airplane might have help us improve our life a lot but at some point it is not a perfect solution and there is still improvement needed to be done.


Chavis, J. C. (2010, November 16). The Significance of Airplane Development. Retrieved from Bright Hub:
Davis, J. (2013). History of Land Transportation. Retrieved from timetoast:
Decker, K. D. (2008, June 04). Life without airplanes: from London to New York in 3 days and 12 hours. Retrieved from Low-Tech Magazine:
Flying Clean. (n.d.). Issue Briefing: Impacts of Airplane Pollution on Climate Change and Health. Retrieved from Flying Clean:
Smithsonian National Air and Space Musuem. (n.d.). Inventing a Flying Machine. Retrieved from Air and Space:
Tam, R., & Hansman, R. J. (2002). IMPACT OF AIR TRANSPORTATION ON REGIONAL ECONOMIC . Retrieved from dspace:
Thomas, R. &. (2009). Airships & Balloons. Retrieved from kidcyber:
Thomas, Ron, & Shirley, S. (2012). SHIPS: A Timeline. Retrieved from kidcyber:
Wang, H., Gotterba, C., & Wu, J. (n.d.). Airplane. Retrieved from AngleFire:

1 comment:

  1. A good post Han and referencing is correct as well. However, the societal impacts need a bit more info....what about the recent incidences in air travel safety? You haven't addressed that? You get a 14/20.
